The band of minstrels became known as the Electric Slugs. As the Electric Slugs left their cave... they also left glistening trails behind, thus, the name -- Glistening Trail Records. We put the first music on the world wide web in 1994.
Please help us Cause a Change.
Music as a Universal Language: Music has the power to communicate emotions universally. Certain melodies, harmonies, or rhythms can evoke specific feelings that resonate with people across different cultures and backgrounds.
ExperiMental Music: The music and lyrics are written and recorded extemporaneously. Extemporaneous, spontaneous, improvisation, jamming, freestyle, and impromptu music are most closely related to pure chaos. The music and lyrics evolve from the "sensitive initial conditions" similar to "a fluttering butterfly in China causing a hurricane in the Atlantic (The Buttrerfly Effect)." Be a butterfly and affect the world.