
Welcome to the official homepage of

The Jongleurs

The Jongleurs are a five member band from Miami, FL, that play a unique style of music that can be described as eclectic, experimental, and improvisational. Their exploration of musical styles has earned the appreciation of many different audiences. Click on the links below to learn more about The Jongleurs.

[Band Biography] [Recordings] [Upcoming Shows] [Reviews]

Please e-mail us at Jongleurs@aol.com

To join our e-mail list send a letter to the above address with the subject SUBSCRIBE.

For booking e-mail Mark 3 Entertainment at Mark3Ent@aol.com

The Jongleurs would like to thank the folks at Pandora's Rombox for hosting our page. They have a great page dedicated to lots of good music. Click HERE to check out their page.