Homepage & Guardin' It
Here's What Happened the Last Time I was Stung
ĺ’’listening Web Communications Corporation
President of GWCC


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There's not a day that goes by that someone doesn't say, "Can you help me get a better handle on this Internet Thing?" And each time I'm asked, there is cause for a pause.... How does one explain a complex, chaotic and evolving system? How does one offer a simple explanation?

So, I offer the following true-life "Home & Gardening" analogy:

Here's What Happened the Last Time I was Stung

The other day I was working on repairing a stone wall on The Fort. I needed to find a stone to fit into a hole. Since there wasn't a good stone at hand, I went out to the stone stock to try n' find the perfect rock.

When I arrived, there was an unknown pile of brush separating me from the supply of stones. Without giving it a thought, I tossed the brush aside and started toward the stock. Then, from out of nowhere, I was attacked.

Unbeknownst to me, there was a nest of yellow jackets living in the brush. A multitude of bees started stinging me. Quickly, I sounded the alarm and began my retreat. The Fort's second in command ran to my rescue. I issued the instructions to "Hit me full force with the hose." While the water pounded my body, I removed the bee ridden clothing.

The aftermath of the attack showed I'd been stung dozens of times. I was sad. How did I let this happen? Why did I let this happen? Maybe I should have just let The Fort deteriorate and never gone to the stone stock in the first place? "No! That's not the answer," I said to myself. Though I wished I'd never been stung, I had been stung. I wanted to make sure I didn't get stung again.

For the next 12 hours I thought it through - I went to the Head Shed to get the proper tools. Then, I put my plan into action.

Fly, Bees, Fly It's Gettin' Warm Yow!

What's This Have to do With the Internet?

Who would have thought to wear bee-keepers' protective gear just to pick up a rock?

The Internet is strange and wonderful space, strewn with inherent risks and invisible potholes on the road to Web success. And the rewards, both financial and otherwise, are equally mah-va-lous.

But it can also bewilder, frustrate and ultimately discourage the uninitiated. The question is -- how will you be initiated in The Ways of The Web?


You need a well conceived Internet Commerce & Security Strategy (ICS). With this simple advantage, you'll prosper where others fail.

How Can We Serve You?

Though the "look" of a website is important, please don't forget about the marketing, management and security. They are just as important. Our team is second to none when it comes to successful commerce on the Internet. Let us help you with all or part of the website design, architecture, marketing, traffic analysis and network security.

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GWCC, PO Box 994, Blue Bell, PA 19422